Next step: The Americas


Bye bye Australia – Nice to meet you Canada. Next step of my Fellows Ride has started in British Columbia/Canada. The wanderlust of my soul is guiding me south. All the way down to Ushuaia. On the way I want to be inspired by the country and its people and write down what I discover and experience. I want to inspire people with my story; maybe I can give one or the other courage; I would like to motivate people to participate in the Fellows Ride. Motorcycling and doing good – in favor of depression help and suicide prevention. Attention to a worldwide current and often misjudged disease!

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Empfänger Thomas Lurz und Dieter Schneider Stiftung
Kennwort Fellows Ride
IBAN DE85790300011000190500
Bank Fürstl. Castell’sche Bank Würzburg
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Ride don't hide
Die Welt ist zu schön für Depression
Video abspielen

„Die Welt ist zu schön für Depression“ – Ride don’t hide ist ein Film, der Fernweh weckt und Leben retten kann! Ein Film, der von einer außergewöhnlichen Abenteuerreise erzählt.